Category Archives: News

Coronavirus advice for supporting disabled employees

The Business Disability Forum has published advice on supporting disabled employees, customers and clients who may be affected by coronavirus COVID-19. The resource, titled ‘Coronavirus and disability: What you need to know’, offers advice on how to support colleagues and customers who have a condition or who are taking medication which means they have a compromised immune system and are therefore more susceptible to catching infections.

For further advice on COVID-19, click on the links below:

DPA to host UK’s first conference on disability in policing

The Disabled Police Association is holding the first ever Disability in Policing national conference in Hertfordshire on Wednesday 5th June. Guest speakers include Sir Philip Rutnam, Home Office Permanent Secretary; David Lloyd, Hertfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner; and Gill Scott-Moore, Chief Executive Officer of Police Care UK.

The theme ‘Enable rather than disabled’ demonstrates one of the key aims of DPA: to work with forces and stakeholders to ensure the fair treatment for disabled, injured officers and staff who have long term conditions. Our Association works particularly hard to ensure that it is the ability of disabled officers and staff which is recognised, rather than perceived limitations.

The event aims to provide support and advice to forces on how networks can assist, show case good practice in relation to supporting officers and staff with disabilities, as well explore the barriers in relation to self-declaration.

The conference is open to all police officers, staff, volunteers and CJS staff. To book a place, contact your Force’s Disability Support Network, or contact us directly quoting your work email address.